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Adaptation as Risk ManagementBlog/News ArticleEnvironmental JusticeFinancial DisclosureFinancial RegulationPrivate GovernanceRisk Management

Climate Change Comes to Insurance

This opinion piece explains the risks climate change poses to insurers, both as underwriters and as investors. It argues that it is necessary to align incentives in the insurance industry to prevent widespread defaults that would leave policyholders unprotected and examine areas where risks are distributed inequitably.
Adaptation as Risk ManagementAgency FilingRisk Management

Comments on Federal Agency Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plans

These comments support the development of the Federal Agency Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plans, which establish a foundation for actions to protect government operations and facilities, and all who rely upon them. The comments recommend that agencies consider the following steps as they build on that foundation: (1) Agencies should…
Blog/News ArticleFinancial DisclosureFinancial Regulation

Mandating Disclosure of Climate-Related Financial Risk (Blog)

This blog outlines reasons for supporting the SEC’s plan to propose a rule requiring standardized climate risk disclosures and provides several recommendations for how the SEC should build its institutional knowledge as it designs and enforces a climate risk disclosure regime, drawing on a forthcoming paper in the N.Y.U. Journal…
Adaptation as Risk ManagementEnergy RegulationEvent/ConferenceRisk ManagementState Energy Regulation

Testimony of Michael Panfil Before the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change

Michael Panfil testified in a Hearing on Climate Resilience of Transportation and Electric Infrastructure before the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change. As demonstrated in these remarks, well-designed climate resilience planning is feasible using data and tools available today. The same is true with respect to existing…
Michael Panfil
October 4, 2021
Adaptation as Risk ManagementEnergy RegulationEvent/ConferenceRisk ManagementState Energy Regulation

Testimony of Romany Webb Before the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change

Romany Webb testified in a Hearing on Climate Resilience of Transportation and Electric Infrastructure before the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Global Warming and Climate Change, making two key points: First, climate change poses serious risks to the electricity system, which are fundamentally different from other risks, including ordinary weather-related risks,…
Romany Webb
October 4, 2021