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Adaptation as Risk ManagementEnergy RegulationFederal Energy RegulationJournal ArticleRisk ManagementState Energy Regulation

Microgrids and Resilience to Climate-Driven Impacts on Public Health

This article examines how the definitions of resilience adopted by the public health and electricity communities can, but do not necessarily, converge in responses to electricity outages so severe that they affect the operation of critical infrastructure, such as wastewater treatment and drinking water facilities, hospitals, and cooling centers. The…
Justin Gundlach
February 1, 2018
Energy RegulationFederal Energy RegulationJournal ArticleState Energy Regulation

Prospective Grandfathering: Anticipating the Energy Transition Problem

This article identifies tools available to the government ex ante that will preserve regulatory flexibility in the future by forestalling regulatory takings claims and blunt the fairness concerns that fuel takings arguments, and argues for their adoption in the context of natural gas regulation.
Book ChapterPrivate GovernanceRisk Management

Doing the Wrong Things for the Right Reasons: How Environmental Fallacies Affect Environmental Behavior

This book chapter examines how people's common misperceptions of the environmental impact of energy and water use behaviors influence behavioral choices and environmental outcomes, concluding that correcting these misperceptions could be an integral part of a successful strategy to reduce consumption.