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Event/ConferenceFinancial DisclosureFinancial Regulation

Unpacking the Proposed SEC Rule on Climate Risk Disclosure

In this webinar EDF+ Business Project Manager Gabriel Malek moderated a conversation with Michael Panfil, Lead Counsel and Director of Climate Risk Strategies of EDF, Wendy Cromwell, Head of Sustainable Investing for Wellington Management, and Fitzann Reid, Deputy General Counsel with Engine No. 1, on key elements of the Securities…
Blog/News ArticleFinancial RegulationRegulatory Activities

How a Proposed Department of Labor Rule Would Help Protect Retirement Savings From Climate Risk

This blog explains how a Department of Labor proposal would help protect Americans’ retirement savings by highlighting the financial relevance of climate change; undoing harmful Trump administration rules; affirming that fiduciaries should consider ESG factors like climate change when relevant to investment risk-return analysis; applying the same rational principles to…
Adaptation as Risk ManagementEnvironmental JusticeReportRisk Management

Evaluating Climate Risk in NEPA Reviews: Current Practices and Recommendations for Reform

This report finds that in order to meet the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirement that federal agencies take a “hard look” at the environmental effects of proposed actions, agencies must consider how the changing weather and environmental conditions brought by climate change might impact an action and alter its…
Adaptation as Risk ManagementAgency FilingEnvironmental JusticeFinancial DisclosureFinancial RegulationRegulatory ActivitiesRisk Management

Comments to the OCC on Principles for Climate-Related Financial Risk Management for Large Banks

These comments to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) support the OCC's draft principles on banks' management of climate-related financial risks, and offer recommendations for the OCC as it continues building on these principles with more detailed guidance. The comments recommend that the OCC consider: (1) providing…