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Environmental JusticeReportRisk Management

Breaking the Cycle of Flood-Rebuild-Repeat: Local and State Options to Improve Substantial Damage and Improvement Standards in the National Flood Insurance Program

This paper discusses the substantial improvement/damage (SI/SD) standard in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which requires property owners making significant improvements or repairs to structures in areas most vulnerable to flooding to take certain measures to mitigate their risk. It also surveys more rigorous SI/SD standards adopted by NFIP…
Adaptation as Risk ManagementEnvironmental JusticeReportRisk Management

Heat in US Prisons and Jails: Corrections and the Challenge of Climate Change

"The implications of climate change for corrections have been largely disregarded by both correctional administrators and public officials working on climate adaptation policy. This paper begins the process of connecting the discussions of climate policy and correctional policy. It provides an overview of the correctional sector and its specific vulnerabilities…
Daniel Holt
August 1, 2015