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Blog/News ArticleFinancial DisclosureFinancial RegulationRisk Management

Strong SEC Climate Risk Disclosure Rules Are Good for Business, Investors

This blog assesses themes from comments submitted by companies in response to the SEC's request for public input on climate risk disclosure, and identifies four elements essential to a robust rulemaking: (1) address key climate risks as well as emissions; (2) require specific and comparable line-item disclosures; (3) include climate…
Gabriel Malek
August 4, 2021
Adaptation as Risk ManagementBlog/News ArticleEnvironmental JusticeRisk Management

First-of-Its-Kind Insurance Report Confronts Climate Risk

This blog analyzes the recommendations in a report from the Climate Insurance Working Group, convened by California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara, to the state’s Department of Insurance, local and state policy-makers, and the insurance industry regarding the role of insurance in addressing risks from climate-fueled wildfires, floods and extreme heat.
Katelyn Roedner
July 23, 2021
Agency FilingEnergy RegulationRisk ManagementState Energy Regulation

Comments on Petition to New York PSC to Comprehensively Study the Impacts of Climate Change on Utility Infrastructure

In response to a Proposed Rulemaking, these comments support a petition by the Sabin Center, EDF, and other entities for the NYPSC to require utilities to engage in climate change vulnerability studies. The comments draw on sources including the joint Sabin Center and EDF paper Climate Risk in the Electricity…
Adaptation as Risk ManagementBlog/News ArticleEnergy RegulationRisk ManagementState Energy Regulation

Without Planning, Climate Change Will Bring More Texas-Style Blackouts

In the wake of the tragic February 2021 Texas winter storm and resulting power outages, this opinion piece argues that state regulators should require the electric industry to recognize the undeniable: climate change is here and it needs to be factored into their planning and decision making.